The PSE thrusts on quality teaching at the post-graduate level, and analytical and policy-oriented research at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels.
The course curricula for the M.A. in Economics and the Ph.D. programmes of PSE are advanced and up-to-date. While the students of PSE are comprehensively exposed to recent theoretical developments in different areas of economics, efforts are also made to enhance their quantitative skills by providing hands-on training towards application of various statistical and econometric software packages for analysis and interpretation of socio-economic data.
The PSE keeps contact with the leading experts in the field of economics who are invited as guest/visiting faculties to take part in the teaching programmes alongside its own faculties. This facilitates academic interactions of its faculties and students with the experts from other institutions
The students of the PSE are provided an education and academic training that are as rigorous as practiced in the best Institutions in India and abroad.
The PSE promotes a value system whereby each member of the PSE community is motivated to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of the humankind.